Please look under the events tab for the schedule of our streaming services still available every Sabbath until further notice. Thank you for prayers and continued financial support. Donations can be done online, by phone, at the church by appointment or by mail.

 Services can be seen on our Facebook or YouTube pages  (7th-Day Sabbath Church)

Church Events


Pr. Bill Hughes

FEB 1 

(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m. & 2:15 p.m.)

Pastor Bill Hughes has been in the ministry for 30 years. During that time, he has authored several books, including The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked. He currently pastors a self-supporting church in Florida and led his own ministry for the last 20 years. Pastoring a self-supporting church in Florida, he he has had the delight of seeing many souls turn to Christ and the Three Angels’ Messages. He has authored several books, including The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked. God has blessed him with a wonderful wife and three precious children.


Dr. Ted Nabong


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)
As a physician from the Philippines & member of the Glendale Bible Sabbath Church, he is dedicated to helping accelerate the work of proclaiming the everlasting gospel and plan of redemption divinely designed to restore the lost character-image of God in man.

Elder Edward Dugaduga


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)

Founder of a literature based ministry called Saving Souls; he believes in preaching and teaching the word of God, and just as importantly, he believes that we must “live” the Word.

Stephanie Bowers Griffin

FEB 15 

(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m. & 2:15 p.m.)

Stephanie was a Bible believing, Seventh-day Adventist Christian, yet found herself mesmerized by Spiritual Formation for almost nine years.
Follow her journey through this powerful, feeling-based movement. Marvel how a loving God brought her out of the darkness; and open your eyes to the telltale signs of this movement in your church, too!


Elder Adam Selirio

FEB 22

(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)
Hailing from the Philippines, he desires to increase awareness about his small ministry in the Philippines. He intends to build a camp meeting site, which is still in progress. The completion of the project will support his plans to have a School of the prophets and a Lifestyle Center in the future. While in the United States, he is taking course work in the medical field.

Pr. Harold Cortés

FEB 22

(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)

In 1995, he accepted God’s call to the ministry and today is the Senior Pastor at the 7th-Day Sabbath Church (7DSC), a multi-cultural church in Colton, Ca; his focus is centered on the gospel through the sanctuary message and righteousness by faith.


Pr. Hal Mayer


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m. & 2:15 p.m.)

As speaker and director of Keep the Faith Ministry, USA and Keep the Faith Ministries Oceania, Ltd. in Australia, his background in history and Bible prophecy give him unique insights and perspectives that have blessed many thousands and helped them make a deeper commitment to the Lord.


Elder Norman Sacro


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)
Norman Sacro is a member of Pasadena SDA Church and a member of the Southern California Conference Executive Committee, the governing body of the Conference. He and his wife, Aida Sacro, are leading out in a ministry in the Philippines called Palawan Feeding Ministry since 2009. The ministry serves 12 public schools (day care, pre-school, kindergarten and elementary, with Muslim populations of 10-100%) and the surrounding communities, reaching out and introducing Jesus to approximately 3,450 students, teachers, parents, and out-of-school youth.

Pr. Darryle Sanders


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)

From Southern California, he is Bible based in his approach to the scriptures and  focuses on the Three Angels’ Messages; working to spreading God’s truths one person at a time.

Pr. Harold Cortés


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m.)

In 1995, he accepted God’s call to the ministry and today is the Senior Pastor at the 7th-Day Sabbath Church (7DSC), a multi-cultural church in Colton, Ca; his focus is centered on the gospel through the sanctuary message and righteousness by faith.


Dr. Frank Manipol


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)
Hailing from the Philippines, he is passionate about getting the gospel to as many as will listen. He currently has a ministry called School of the Prophets that helps with this endeavor.

Bro. Samuel Cortés


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)

While grounded in the word of God, he is obeying the Lord’s call to spread Biblical truths to others, as the Holy Spirit leads.



(2:30 p.m.)

Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is Christ’s gift to the church. Communion is a means by which Christ continually nourishes, strengthens, and comforts us. As such, the Lord’s Supper is a visible sign of something internal and invisible, the means by which God works in us through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Elder Andy Roman


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m. & 2:15 p.m.)
Since 1989, he has dedicated himself to full-time lay ministry. Located in Oklahoma, he currently works in literature evangelism for New Life Mission, a supportive media ministry, and collaborates on evangelistic projects with multiple churches and ministries. In the past, he has led several evangelistic campaigns for the church in the Caribbean. Today, he writes and publishes the website Advent Messenger; he is a member of the Oklahoma Conference Prison Ministry Team, holding church services in different prisons; and serves as the head elder for the Canadian Valley Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship in Yukon, Oklahoma.


Bro. Paul Rey


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)

Passionate about sharing God’s love and wanting everyone to be knowledgeable about the Bible.


Pr. Harold Cortés


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)
In 1995, he accepted God’s call to the ministry and today is the Senior Pastor at the 7th-Day Sabbath Church (7DSC), a multi-cultural church in Colton, Ca; his focus is centered on the gospel through the sanctuary message and righteousness by faith.

Pr. Conrad Vine


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m. & 2:15 p.m.)

Born into a pastoral family, Pastor Conrad Vine grew up with his twin brother and two sisters in homes across the UK. After graduating with a business management degree (1995), he served in the UK public healthcare system before God led him to ADRA (1996). Initially serving in Azerbaijan, Pastor Vine served with ADRA through 2002 in a variety of roles worldwide. Following seminary training at Newbold College (2002-2004), he and Luda began their pastoral ministry in London, UK. After a stint in the Middle East Union, they served in the pastoral ministry for 4 years in Minnesota following which Pastor Vine answered the call to serve as President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Conrad and Luda were married in December 1999, and regard their marriage as a personal blessing from a loving Heavenly Father. They have two children.

Elder Handel Fletcher


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)

His emphasis is bringing the Gospel, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to more and more people, as well as incorporating the Bible in our daily lives. May we realize the great and crying need of our heart, of everyone’s heart, which is to know God – hence becoming more and more like Jesus.


Eld. Edward Dugaduga


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)
Founder of a literature based ministry called Saving Souls; he believes in preaching and teaching the word of God, and just as importantly, he believes that we must “live” the Word.

Bro. Samuel Cortés


(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)

While grounded in the word of God, he is obeying the Lord’s call to spread Biblical truths to others, as the Holy Spirit leads.

Bro. Paul Rey


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)

Passionate about sharing God’s love and wanting everyone to be knowledgeable about the Bible.




Dr. Ted Nabong

MAY 3 

(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m.)
As a physician from the Philippines & member of the Glendale Bible Sabbath Church, he is dedicated to helping accelerate the work of proclaiming the everlasting gospel and plan of redemption divinely designed to restore the lost character-image of God in man.

Elder Oscar Cuellar


(Live Streaming Available)
(11:40 a.m.)

Pr. Peter Henham

MAY 10

(Live Streaming Available)
(10:30 a.m., 11:40 a.m.)

Hailing from New Zealand, he has been a Seventh day Adventist for 42 years. Trained as a Literature Evangelist, he joined Hope International (NZ) and has been an associate there with Pr. Evan Sadler for more than 25 years. Currently, he manages Hope International, while developing a ‘Health-Lifestyle Sanitarium’.